Admin Login
North Star Minor Hockey

Online Registration form


1. Click on the link.
2. Select the division you are registering a player for. e.g U11-U18 or U7-U9.

3. Click the "Register now" at the top left of the screen.
4. Enter your email address and click "Login". First time users will recieve the message "This account does not exist". Click the "Sign up" link.
5. Complete fields and create a password. You will recieve an email with a verification code. Enter the code. You will then be asked to sign into your account using the password you set up.
6. After your account is set up, you can search for and link your hockey players to your account.
7. After player(s) are linked to your account, you can register the player(s) in the appropriate division.
8. You will recieve an email invoice for the amount owing.
9. Make payment by etransfter, cheque or cash.
Registration is not consider to have occurred until at lease half of a player's registration fee has been paid. The remainder of all fees are to be paid by November 15th.
Any questions?  Contact Twyla Doucette



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